Saturday, October 11, 2008


by: David W. Johnson, Jr.

Just where do we think killing one another will get us?
Selling drugs, robbing banks and killing police officers
Sure, lots of things happening to us is unfair and unjust
Gangs, drugs, dropping out of schools, are not the answers

Our children need adults in their lives if they are to change
Get from in front of the Keno machines and off the bar stools
Between adults and children, let us regain parental exchange
Crime is filling our jails, cemeteries and emptying our schools

Instead of running towards, adults seem to be running from
From their responsibilities, children, work, anything positive
Things adults are doing to help destroy our children is dumb
About the things, negative, not positive children are inquisitive

Do not misunderstand me; there are some really good adults
Listening to the local News on Nov. 8th I was very impressed
Former Maryland teacher, Erica McCullough getting results
Thanks to her, needs of our young people are being addressed

Adults and children, visit and read about her
There are lots of Erica McCullough’s but our children need more
Take my word for it, adults like Erica, young people really prefer
For a child to step into a better life adults must first open the door

Do we really think our children want to kill, be killed or go to prison?
This writer knows first-hand that children prefer positive motivation
Fearing being killed, in front of their homes children cannot have fun
Adults are we going to offer children hope or watch their destruction

The death rate of our children continues to increase on a daily bases
Why, because neglect of our children by adults are growing like cancer
Just look around, you can see the hurt and neglect on their young faces
Adults, wise-up and realize, “Colleges, Not Cemeteries Are The Answer”

Positive Things Come From Positive Minded Adults